How to Apply with ACC

Arapahoe Community College

How to Apply to Arapahoe Community College
Quick Application Guide

Click here to download the PDF Guide

Click here to download ACC Quick Tips for Assisting Students with Admissions

STEP 1: Create an Account

Parents and Guardians! Be sure to complete these steps with your student. Have your student's social security number available.

Note: If you already have an ACC Student ID Number (S number), no need to re-apply.
To find your S Number go to > Click "myACC" > Select "Forgot you Username"
Enter First, Last Names; Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number; Date of Birth
Select "Student" and "Displayed on Screen and Emailed"

Follow these steps to create an account:

  1. Go to
    Navigate to the "Future Students" area about halfway down the page
    Click on "Apply"

  2. To create an account, click on  "Create Account" under Sign In, or at the top navigation bar.

  3. Enter your full legal first name and last name.
    Fields with a red astrisk (*) are required.

  4. Enter your mobile phone number.

  5. Enter your date of birth.

  6. Enter your email address.
    Please do not use a parent, sibling or family email address for this entry. Legend email address OK.

  7. When do you want to start attending college?
    Fall or Spring of the appropriate year (ex: Fall 2022)

  8. Finish your profile by creating a password and confirming.
    Click Create Account.

STEP 2: Verify Your New Account

  1. Log into the email at you provided to create your account.
    Find email from an Arapahoe Community College Admissions staff member (ex:
    Didn't receive an email? Check your Spam Folder as Gmail email goes directly to spam.

  2. Within the email, click on the "Confirm Now" link.
    Do NOT click on any Google auto-generated acceptance buttons as they will not work.

  3. Your account is now activated and verified.

  4. Log In. You may need to refresh your browser.

Step 3: Apply to Arapahoe Community College

    1. In "Next Steps", click "Start and Application"

    2. Select and application to complete (ex: Spring 2022)
      Select "Complete Selected Application"

    3. Fill out the seven (7) required sections of information
      **Be sure to "Save and Continue" and fill out the remaining information required.**

    • Contact Information:

      • Your information should be auto-populated except for mailing information

    • Academic Plans:

      • What Semester do you plan to begin classes?
        Fall 2022 (or whatever is applicable)

      • What is your current goal for community college?
        Take college courses while I'm still in high school

      • Select an Area of Interest
        Not Sure / Not Seeking a Degree or Certificate
        **This is very important. Do not select an area at this time.

      • Select a degree or certificate

      • Which campus do you want to attend?
        Choose ACC Littleton Campus even if you attend at your high school

    • High School Information

      • Enter Legend High School to pre-populate, and select Legend High School

      • Enter Country and City > Click Search

        • Under results found
          Choose your high school and select it
          DO NOT type anything in the "Unlisted School Name and Address" box

        • Have you or will you earn a high school diploma or high school equivalency?
        • Month you earned or anticipate earning your diploma or high school equivalency?
          Select a month.
        • Year you earned or anticipate earning your diploma or high school equivalency?
          Select year.

      • Student Type

        • Are you a student at another college and will only attend as a visiting summer student?

        • Did/will you graduate or earn a high school equivalency before you plan to begin classes?
          No, I am a current high school student who will not graduate prior to the semester for which I am applying (aka concurrent enrollment student).
        • Save and Continue

      • Citizenship Status > Enter citizenship information
        U.S. Citizens: Your Social Security Number is Required
        (Please do NOT use a Parent's Social Security Number)
        U.S. Citizenship is not required to apply

      • In-State Classification

        • Do not change the pre-calculated option of Under 23

        • Have you attended a Colorado High School for three years and been admitted or will be admitted to a Colorado higher education institution within 12 months of your graduation/GED completion?
          Select appropriate answer.

      • Military Status

        • Select a Military status or you may leave blank.

      • Gender/Selective Service

        • Select an answer.

      • Ethnicity

        • Select an answer or you may leave blank.

      • Race Selection

        • Select an answer or you may leave blank.

      • Supplemental Information

        • Answer the provided questions in the application or you may leave blank.
        • Save and Continue

      • College Opportunity Fund (COF)

        • Do you allow us to create a College Opportunity Fund Account?
          Yes, apply on my behalf.
          If you choose no and a school district is paying for your courses, you will be responsible to pay the full amount of the COF.

      • Certification

        • Do you certify the following?
          > Yes

        • Student Signature (Type your name).
        • Signature Date.


Applications are usually processed within three business days. Once your application has been processed, you'll receive an acceptance letter to the email address that you provided on your application.

Your acceptance letter will provide:

  • Your Student ID Number (S#); which will also display on your application account.

  • Your Student Email Address.

  • Information to help you navigate your way to success!

Make sure to submit a completed Concurrent Enrollment College Agreement form and satisfy all course prerequisites.

Welcome to ACC!

Need Help?

Tech Support:
Phone: 303.797.4222  or  1.888.800.9198
Email: [email protected]

ACC Concurrent Enrollment:
Email: [email protected]

Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.

In compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Colorado law, the Douglas County School District RE-1 does not unlawfully discriminate against otherwise qualified students, employees, applicants for employment, or members of the public on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services. Discrimination against employees and applicants for employment based on age, genetic information, and conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth is also prohibited in accordance with state and/or federal law. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public. The School District's Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator to address complaints alleging sexual harassment under Title IX is Aaron Henderson, 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado, [email protected], 303-387-0127.

Outside Agencies

Complaints regarding violations of Title VI, (race, national origin), Title IX (sex, gender), Section 504/ADA (handicap or disability), may be filed directly with the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1244 North Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204. Complaints regarding violations of Title VII (employment) and the ADEA (prohibiting age discrimination in employment) may be filed directly with the Federal Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 303 E. 17th Ave., Suite 510, Denver, CO 80202, or the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 1050, Denver, CO 80202.


Special Education records which have been collected by Douglas County School District related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of special education in the district, must be maintained under state and federal laws for the period of five (5) years after special education services have ended for the student. Special education services end when the student is no longer eligible for services, graduates, or completes his/her educational program at age 21, or moves from the district. This notification is to inform parents/guardians and former students of Douglas County School District's intent to destroy the special education records of students who exited special education services as of June 30, 2016. These records will be destroyed in accordance with state law unless the parent/guardian or eligible (adult) student notifies the school district otherwise. After five years, the records are no longer useful to the district, but may be useful to the parent/guardian or former student in applying for social security benefits, rehabilitation services, college entrance, etc. The parent/guardian or eligible (adult) student may request a copy of the records by requesting the records at this link ( Douglas County School District Transcripts and Records Requests ).